Friday, March 28, 2014

We're open !

Our store is now open!!

Opening day we recieved so many flowers it was really amazing!
It is one of the customs in Japan when a new business opens to send flowers. This way people passing by know that the store is new. First time to be in a position to receive them though and I just love flowers~
Another custom is to give these flowers to the people who came to your store as to share the good luck. 

Interesting Japanese cuatoms!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

new door

It is getting a little warmer day by day and plum blossoms are in full bloom. Love it when I get a whiff of the scent.

We are at a new chapter for ileava. 
We are going to open our very own store!

This is the door that will greet me everyday and everyone who may be curious to see what is in this little store.

We found an antique door and fixed it up a little and gave it a fresh coat. Now it looks really warm and welcoming.

Can't wait for all this to come together. Although there is a lot to prepare still~